Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Leverage the Power of Social Media to Attract, Develop, and Retain the Millennial Generation

Jeanne Meister focused on social media and the Millennial generation. Couple of nuggets here:
  • Millennials still prefer the classroom and mentoring/coaching, online no so much and nope on reading books/manuals
  • Desire a manager that will coach and mentor as well as being tech savvy
  • Training and development across the world scored highest (53%) across all respondents; however here in North America and the Caribbean it's flexible work hours (53%), cash bonuses (43%) and the free private healthcare (38%).
Presuming this is from research she's conducting (ed) for a forthcoming book. Suggesting in "learning" social media are:
  1. Experiment
  2. Select, implement tools
  3. Teach tools
  4. Use the tools and propose pilots with your team
Alas, according to Jeanne, we mostly do 2 while 1, 3 and 4 are critical.

She introduced the term wearable learning; iPod, smartphone. Googled "wearable learning" and 696,000 hits. Is clothing optional learning next? BTW three hits on Google.


  1. Don - I'm enjoying your posts from the conference. Need a little help on this one. What does the third bullet mean? What was the survey question and who were "all respondents" -- (all Millenials or all age groups?)


  2. Sorry for the obfuscation. Across all respondents who are Millenials. T&D scored first choice across Millenials in Asia, Australia & Pacific Islands, Central & Eastern Europe, Western Europe and South and Central America. Found this PwC report that I presume is the source for her slide.


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